two days later

I am feeling a little better about it today. I saw the vet this morning and she confirmed to me that there was really nothing else to do. I would have had to take her to another city to have bypass done to reconnect the artery and the whole time, no blood would be circulating in her leg – not to mention that bones were torn apart and split lengthwise.
She is hobbling around but is getting there. I’m putting her on a raw bone diet and she is loving that!!  She gets in and out of the car but stumbles a little.  When we went to the vet, she hid her face in the corner until I reassured her that it wasn’t going to happen again. They suggested that I just come by to say hello sometimes so she doesn’t associate the place with a bad thing.  They were really nice.  The same 3 people that were there Friday night came and spoke with me today. 

Niki also had some visitors from neighbors who came to see how she was doing.  She seems to be in good spirits but also seems nervous about being out of my sight (which is fine with me).

6 thoughts on “two days later”

  1. Glad the vet reassured you that the amputation was the right choice. Hope she heals up fast!

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2. remember the first two weeks after the surgery are hard on you and on niki, so try to cut yourself some slack!! glad to hear you are coming to terms with your decision – sounds like you saved her life which is paramount, right?? keep lovin’ on her and know she will show you everyday what a brave and resilient girl she is!! you are lucky to have her – she is lucky to have you!!!

  3. Niki-the-dog-who-loves-to-run will be running before you know it and she has many, many years ahead of her. Your decision gave her that. She will adapt. She will thrive. She’s just healing right now. Hang in there, the two of you.

  4. Sounds like Niki is doing well! This is an adjustment, but she will adapt very quickly! She just had major surgery so give her a couple weeks to get use to three legs! She will be running around in no time!!

    Spoil her rotten and make sure she knows she is still your beautiful girl! We dogs feed off of compliments and treats of course!!

    Dillon and Rhys

  5. Hang in there!! You did the right thing- around here we say no regrets when you do what you think is best, and make decisions with love.
    Be patient with Niki’s recovery- all dogs heal and adapt at their own pace. Don’t get discouraged if she seems slow to come around. My pug Maggie took her time, but eventually she adapted just fine. There will be stumbling and maybe some falling at first- just remain positive and encouraging around her- she will pick up on your positive attitude. Once she gets her balance and builds up her strengh you will be amazed.
    Karen and the pug girls

  6. I’m putting her on a raw bone diet and she is loving that!!

    Great! We just linked to Dr Patty Khuly’s tips for feeding bones and raw foods in this eating healthy forum topic. I provide that link because the topic includes links to a couple different good raw dog food articles.

    Just curious, does Niki like raw raccoon or is that a pet on her back? 😉

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