I left these out of the last post – the one of Niki walking and one of ‘the trap’

Niki RAN TODAY!!!! We took a short little ride on the atv and she ran like the wind!! We kept it short since her staples are still in but she loved it and did really great! I can’t believe it!! All the nice tripawds who wrote to us were right!! She will run again!! This is really exciting. Plus her raw diet is going great. Her bowl of dog food is still sitting there and she hasn’t touched it. I cooked a bone for her tonight and she didn’t want that either. She’s eating oatmeal, flax seed oil, a spoonful of yogurt, ” ” raw honey, garlic clove, some liver, muscle meat and beef bones with meat on them. We’re looking for a meat grinder to grind up the box of beef hearts and tongues we found at the meat market. It’s more work but she is worth it!